Growing your Business through Customer Reviews

Before making a decision to purchase nutritional or wellness coaching services and to commit to one provider, our clients go through a complex (and often unconscious) set of considerations along the way, such as;

  • Service – Is the provider’s service offering relevant to me? What programs/packages do they offer? What is their philosophy - Am I signing up for a boot camp or a gentler style of a program?

  • Location Is the service easy for me to access? Will I get personal support if needed?

  • Professionalism Does their website, social media channels and branding give an impression that they are good at their field and take pride in their work?

  • Price-levelDoes the business look “too big and expensive”, “too cheap” or “just right” for my comfort zone?

  • What do others think? - Have other clients been impressed with their service? Are they good at what they do?

  • PersonalityCan I be re-assured that they are going to be sensitive to my needs and respect my comfort zone?

People looking to purchase wellness-services, have an additional anxiety element that comes from being in a vulnerable position. To take the step to sign up for a potentially life-changing wellness-service, a lot is at stake as the journey is hugely personal. Often, the trigger to seek for wellness-services, has come from health concerns in the family.

So, the purchasing decision is not going to be the same as for buying a dress - additional emphasis is going to be put on the “Personality” AND “Trustworthiness” of the service provider, as the client looks for things such as;

“Can I trust this person?”, “Will she/he be there to help me achieve my goals?”, “Do she/he really understand my circumstances?”, “Does she/he seem kind in their approach?” and “Have they managed to achieve results with other people in similar situations?”

The best place to find answers to these questions is through personal recommendations/referrals from someone they know, and if not available, through recommendations/referrals from someone they do not know. This is where client references become invaluable for a wellness service provider.

How to get customers to review the services I offer?

The easy way to start to build a solid reputation, is by asking every one of your happy clients to;

  • Write a brief review (1 or 2 sentences, that you can post on your social media and website)

  • Fill in a review on “Google My Business”-page AND

  • If they are comfortable, perhaps a short 10-second video for your social media about their experience

The key here is to ask for it straight away – literally before they leave the appointment, as if you do leave it for the next day or next week, it is very likely that it will not happen. Time is of the essence!

By creating a habit of asking for customer reviews as part of your client service process, you will soon build up a reputation that is one of the key building blocks in growing your business presence in your community.

Taste Success has a client feedback template available on Google Drive (Facilitator Info: Client Meetings: Final Client Meetings) for our Facilitators to use.